
Research project VeSPA finished

VeSPA - entwickelte Systematik (Ausschnitt)

The improved characterisation of the severity of injuries suffered in road traffic was the focus of our contribution to the research project VeSPA. The medical consequences of an accident were analysed based on a combination of hospital statistics with the road traffic accident register. A classification to standardize and narrow down the injury severity was established.

Research package:

  • VeSPA (SVI 2012/001) – Verkehrssicherheitsgewinne durch Datapooling und
    strukturierte Datenanalysen; Teilprojekt 5: Medizinische Unfallfolgen

Project reports:

  • Schmitt KU et al. (2014) Forschungspaket VeSPA: Teilprojekt 5 Medizinische Folgen des Strassenunfallgeschehens, Forschungsauftrag SVI 2012/006, 1457, ASTRA, Bern
  • Bodenmann B et al. (2014) Forschungspaket VeSPA: Synthesebericht Phase 1, Forschungsauftrag SVI 2012/001, 1452, ASTRA, Bern

Reports are available at http://www.mobilityplatform.ch/